Monday, July 2, 2007

A funny story from our daughter

A while back we started a little ritual with the kids at bed time. The kids love for us to tell them stories so to set up the storyline would ask them for three things. Any three things. It could be a book, a rainbow and a popsicle. Literally any three things. It would be our challenge to come up with a story right then and there that would incorporate the three things. Recently we started to turn things around on them in that we would get to pick the three things and primarily JCG would create a story about the three things. She's pretty good at it although her stories tend to run all over the place.

During our travels back from Oklahoma B was putting JCG to bed. B told J a story incorporating a pillow, an earring and a princess. B then gave J the 3 items, a butterfly, a gymnastics girl and a suitcase. J's story went something like this (many less important details will be left out).

Once upon a time there was a gymnastics girl, she loved to play outside, along came a beautiful butterfly. The butterfly flew all around the girl then all of the sudden the butterfly started biting and biting and biting the girl, so she hit it with a suitcase. The end.

I love that girl.

1 comment:

Catherine Banks said...

I love that girl too. She and her brother need to move to Texas. Y'all can come to you if you want.