Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Who do you trust?

Everyone has trials and problems in their lives. Either you bring it on yourself or someone thrusts problems on to you. But do you allow these problems to rule your life? What is the secret to enjoying life? What must you do in order to live a happy and content life? Is it possible when you have little and big problems in your life?

I submit to you that it is 100% possible. Ask yourself these questions. What are the things in my life to which I derive the most satisfaction and enjoyment? Do you allow problems to rob you of your enjoyment of those things?

Let me give you a story about how this became clear to me and how B and I reacted to the situation.

After mom died I started to invest money with an individual that my mom really trusted and loved. I figured that if my mom really felt strongly about him that he would be able to do good things for me. We entrusted this person with a large sum of money. After a few years we needed to pull some of it out for various reasons. The amount we pulled out was not a small amount so it was important that we take out enough so that we would be able to cover any penalties or taxes associated with the withdrawal. We filled out all the forms as instructed and some time later we received the check. Having all the faith in this person and his company we did not think to check to make sure enough money was taken out.

Over a year later all of the money was gone and it was time to pay taxes. Much to my surprise not only did he not take out enough taxes even though I filled out all the forms, he did not take out the penalty. Thus we owe the IRS a ton of money this year.

I could have reacted with much stress and anxiety. B could have broken down and allowed it to destroy her. But we remembered the very important rule that we could only do what we could do and that we could not allow this to destroy us. We also realized that it was in times like these that we needed to turn to God and to praise God. It is easy to be with God when things are going well. The true measure of your faith is who do you turn to when faced with a situation like this?

For me and my family we put our trust in God. Everything else is just details.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Sonic Hamburgers and IKEA

Central Ohio has seen the arrival of two very popular businesses within the last few months.

Sonic Hamburgers is predominately seen in the southern United States. While they have good hamburgers, there are several items on the menu worth getting there. For instance, the sausage, egg and cheese breakfast burrito is to die for. They serve it all day long. It is easily three times the size of the puny breakfast burritos at McDonalds. Sonic also has a cherry limeade drink. It is so wonderful and yummy I could just drink them all day long. Yes we are very glad that Sonic has finally arrived in central Ohio. Now if we can just get them to come to our town.

IKEA is a wildly popular Swiss furniture store. The opening of an IKEA has seen as many as 30,000 people in a single day. Even though the IKEA is down by Cincinnati, we are grateful that we do not have to drive the 6 hours to Detroit or Pittsburgh.

Monday, March 10, 2008

This is not a garage sale

Last summer when I was cleaning out the garage many people stopped by thinking we were having a garage sale. JCG decided that she would sit at the front of the driveway and tell everyone that we were not having a garage sale.
Well on this particular day mom had the garage door open and was doing just a little cleaning up in the garage. The kids decided they wanted to make sure people didn't think we were having a garage sale.
The kids were also screamming "THIS IS NOT A GARAGE SALE"

Sunday, March 2, 2008

One of the secrets of life

James Taylor sings that the secret of life is enjoying that passing of time. While I don't disagree with him I do think their are other secrets as well.

I came to the conclusion recently that there is another secret to a happy life. The secret is simple. You are going to make mistakes in your life. You are fooling yourself if you think otherwise. So the secret is to surround yourself with people that will allow you to make the mistakes and to become a better person because of it.

This specifically includes who you choose to marry and who you choose to work for. I lucky enough to have a wonderful wife that allows me to make mistakes and to learn from them. I am also lucky enough to work for someone that is interested in the personal growth of his employees as he realizes it will ultimately benefit the company. So I am allow to make mistakes at work as well.

The other really interesting thing about it is that you have to ask yourself the I being that kind of person to the people around me? In other words, do you allow people around you to make mistakes?