Saturday, January 20, 2007

Are we ready for Hillary?

So today Hillary Clinton basically announced that she was going to run for president in 2008. The polls have been saying for a long time that she has more that 50% of the population ready to vote for her. Why are so many people ready to put her in the White House? Is it because she is the first woman to have a legitimate shot in our nation's history? Is it because so many people loved Bill Clinton that they think by electing her they will have another "Bill?"

It is apparent that we are still in the "whiplash" period against George W. Bush and the republicans. Because of this it seems unlikely that any viable republican candidate will be able to win presidency in 2008. Anyone foolish enough to run under the republican ticket will simply be a sacrificial lamb.

So now I am asking myself, "Who is going to be the best person from the democrats to run this country from 2009-2013 and perhaps beyond?" The answer right now is "I don't know." Which is why I am writing this post.

There are some universal truths from which I operate.

First, I don't care if you are a male or female, if you are the best person for the job then I want you as my president.

Second, I don't care about your race or ethnicity, if you are the best person for the job then I want you as my president.

There are issues that I care deeply about and I will be interested to see how each candidate stands on them.

First, I want someone to become more aggressive about the mandatory use of alternative fuel automobiles. The technology exists and the alternative fuels exists. I want someone to put a plan in place that will force this country to convert to non-fossil based fuels.

Second, I want someone that will reform the election rules of this country. Everyone talks about the poor educational system in this country yet they spend tens of millions of dollars trying to get themselves elected. There should be a hard cap on how much money can be spent on elections. How can you in good conscience spend all that money knowing that it could be better spent on providing better education.

Third, I want someone that will look at the root causes of why anyone would want to attack the United States. Is it our stance on Israel? Is it our religious freedom? I don't know and that is why I want someone that will address it for me.

Fourth, I want someone that can reform the educational system in this country. I am not merely talking about providing equal educational opportunities for everyone, I am also talking about having to take a hard look at WHAT we are teaching the children as well. Why not provide more choices for what we want to teach our children.

Fifth, I want to see serious tax reform in this country. I agree that everyone should pay their fair share. However, there should be a flat tax rate across the board. No loop holes for the rich to avoid paying this tax.

So please, anyone and everyone, tell me who I should vote for and why?


Zany Mama said...

I'll be happy to tell you - you should vote for whomever your wife tells you to. :)

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree more!!