Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A truly unexpected occurance....

So I have been playing online games with my XBox360 for several months now. I have met several people that are very nice and pleasent to play with. There are a few that I play with more than others. Last night one of them asked me to speak with him privately. He wanted to share some personal thoughts and feelings regarding what had been happening in his life recently.

Basically he told me about some frustrations with his girlfriend that he likes a lot. She is going through some hard times surrounding the death of a family member. He also revealed some not so great moments in his life (suicide attempt and heavy marijuana usage resulting in an arrest and jail time).

But he felt he was being pulled or called for a greater purpose and that he had not found what that was. I share a little bit about my belief in God as well as my recommendation that he needed to seek counseling.

It was an interesting experience. One that I never thought would happen in this environment.

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