Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My sisters

This is a picture of me and my three older sisters. Obviously I am the best looking one in the front.

I had a very interesting childhood being the only boy and being the youngest. If you were to talk with my sisters I am sure they would tell you that our mom and dad used to let me get away with a lot more than they did when they were my age. I don't know if it is necessarily true. Perhaps it is true or perhaps I was the angel of the group that didn't need to do the rebellious things they needed to while they were growing up. I guess we will never know ;)

In any case, my family was relatively and oddly absent from much drama. Sure there was your typical everyday drama but nothing that I would classify as catastrophic to the familial unit. That is until mom died a few years ago. It didn't happen until the very moment that mom died. It was like there was a thin veil covering all the insecurities and troubles of each family member.

It was as if mom was a matador on her way to heaven. All this time she had been able to keep the cape over our eyes. When she was no longer there to hold the cape, the family went bonkers, nuts, crazy, wacko. Whatever colorful metaphor you want to use, it happened to us.

Never in a million years did I believe that we would have disagreed or were more deeply hurt by who would get what of mom's after she died. I only say this to warn anyone reading this post that still has their mother and father and that has siblings. Death and money do strange things to people.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that what I experienced after mom died was unusual. I am merely saying I was unprepared for it. All three of my sisters were destroyed when mom passed. I had no idea it was going to affect them how it did.

The best advice I can give anyone that goes through this in the future is to try to have as much patience and understanding as possible. Stay true to love you built up with your siblings over the years.

To my wonderful, beautiful and loving sisters I say this. No matter what I said and no matter how I said it, always know that you are my family and I love you truly and deeply. I only wish the very best for you and I will always be there for you whenever you need me.

I see mom in every one of you.

Also know that no one in this world has everything figured out. I realize that we are all making our way in the world just as anyone else would be. Just as I will always love my children and wife, so shall I always love and cherish having you as my family.

With all my love,

Your brother

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