Saturday, March 3, 2007

This is the world in which we live?

I recently visited Atlanta on a business trip. During my travels I discovered something that might not be limited to just my way of thinking.

When I am sitting or standing in an airport or a mall or even in my front yard, I feel uncomfortable when I look at women and children. The discomfort comes from what I perceive to be the thoughts of others.

I look at children when I am away from my own children because it helps me remember the sweet times. I see other parents walking or talking or playing with their kids and I fall in love with my children all over again. Being a father has changed me forever. I look at people differently. I look at the world differently.

Yet when I look at children I try not to stare too long because I don't want their parents thinking I am a child molester that wants to steal their kids. I don't blame them if they think this way. I think this way when I am with my kids. I give anyone the evil eye that might be looking at my kids. I remember a time when B told me that there was a man that had been looking at JC in a weird way for far too long . I wanted to hunt him down.

As far as looking at other women, it might just be a passing glance when I noticed a weird hat or perhaps it was something they said that caught my attention. The point is that when this happens I find myself quickly looking away because I don't want them thinking I am some pervert or stalker.

Why do I think this way?
Do other people think this way?
Am I being paranoid?

Personally, I believe I think this way because it is the world in which we live. We live in a world in which grown men of all ages are caught on Dateline NBC trying to engage in lewd acts with a minor (13). We live in a world to where women are objectified.

Drink a Budweiser and you will have lots of pretty half-dressed girls around you. Breastfeeding in public is perceived by many as indecent while music videos objectifying women are winning awards.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Zany Mama said...

There are actually stores that SRH won't go into with me because he says he doesn't want to seem all pervy. (the teeny bopper especially)

Sad, really.

But I will say that I'm really good at picking up pervy vibes, and you, sir, are no pervert.