Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Ahhh...the things we do as parents!

I had never changed a diaper before my little girl was born more than 4 years ago. Some how I escaped ever having to change a diaper for 33 years. I always told myself that I wouldn't mind doing it to my own child. So the first time I changed JC's diaper I didn't bat an eye. Wham bam thank you maam it was over and I was on my way.

Since that time I have changed some really messy diapers. I have even had to clean out a bathtub or two where the kids may have had a poo poo accident while enjoying a bath (Thank the Lord our God for drains).

Anyway, my son is just getting over being sick. He hasn't eaten what I would call a completely balanced diet over the past few days. So he eventually became a little "backed up" if you know what I mean. The cries of "my too-shee wee-wee (really) hurts" began to come from the lips of my 2+ year old boy.

Well this morning was by far the messiest diaper I have ever been associated with. As soon as I realized that he was no longer "backed up" I told him to stand still so as not to drip any more on the carpet or the kitchen floor (yes it was like the streets of Italy in our house). I went upstairs and woke up my bride and said "Honey, I have something to show you."

As we do with every emergency in the house we quickly assess the situation and volunteer for our roles in resolving the crisis. My wife took on the role of diaper changing/baby cleaning and I took the role of trash emptier/floor mopper/towel rinser. Towel rinser? Yes, we put him on a towel before we removed his diaper. I will let you draw your own mental image. Yummy!

So I got out our hoover bare floor cleaner and some anti-bacterial spray and began cleaning up the "mess".

All in all it turned out ok as most emergencies do in our house.


Catherine Banks said...

You woke her UP? You WOKE HER UP???

You woke a sleeping Mommy so that she could help with a poop mess?

Oh Jonny....oh Jonny.

Jon Gear said...

This was no ordinary poop mess and it was about 8:30 in the morning.

Anonymous said...

but he failed to mention that I spent the previous night in bed with a throwing up child and slept a good 3 hours AND lacked sleep last night due to horrible floor finishing fumes that I felt I needed to protect both children from by corralling them in our room and playing freeze out with open windows and fans with the 2 year old waking up several times with the "tushie hurting" cry....yes it was 8:30 in the morning but I was TIRED :) But always glad to take care of the babies.

Zany Mama said...

SRH once woke me up from an terrible flu just to tell me that he had seen the ugliest child on the planet.

So waking her up to help with super-poo doesn't sound all that bad to me.

Not that I'm not totally on your side, B. I am.