Monday, August 6, 2007

I'm a Ramblin Man...

I haven't blogged in a while and there hasn't been enough significant things going on that would be blog worthy. So I thought I would share some thoughts about what has been happening.

Let's see, well, I fell down in the backyard of a neighbor's house and really hurt my knee. It wasn't dislocated or sprained. Just really bruised. Well after about 2 weeks I started getting an excess of fluid build up on my knee. I am going to get it drained on Thursday.

Both of my softball leagues are finished now. Both of the teams weren't all that impressive. But I got out of the house and got a little exercise.

My niece left Ohio after four months. I don't think we made as much of an impact as we probably would have liked to. She is defintely her mother's daughter. But then again her mother couldn't wait to get out of the house and on her own.

Work is going really well. I am learning a lot and I really enjoy what I do. I love the people I work with and I really like the customers I deal with.

I have been playing an unhealthy amount of Gears of War on the Xbox.

We have been going through the basement crawl space to pull all the stuff out and decide what we are going to sell, throw away and donate. We are going to have ahoney of a garage sale.

B and JHGIII are going to be travelling to Oklahoma in a few weeks which means me and my angel get to spend some quality time together for a few days. I can't wait.

The basement is about 98% finished. I still have a few little things left.

I think I am finally getting the garage to a point where I want it to be.

JHGIII went poo poo in the potty chair today. B and he went to Target to buy some big boy panties. Spiderman and Go Diego Go. He was very excited. So were we.

We are probably going to pull the house off the market in the next few days until next March.

That is all about for now.


Zany Mama said... I allowed to be insanely happy about the whole pulling your house off the market thing?

Cause, if I am...then I am. :)

Catherine Banks said...

Zany - Please note the "until March" part...just like last year.....

(In Texas)

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what you mean that Robyn is defintely her mother's daughter!! I think you made a bigger impact than you think you did. We have noticed a change. The attitude it gone and she is more productive than she's ever been. She's been out looking for a job and she's watching a couple people's pets and houses while they are out of town. Hveing her license has made a big difference as well.
I love you little brother! Give my love to your beautiful wife and kids!!