Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The letdown after the Power Rangers

JHGIII was really confused after the power rangers left. He didn't understand why they couldn't stay out and play more. He was so upset after they left he cried and then crashed asleep. It was a very precious moment for me.

How was your day at school JCG?

"Oh Daddy you should have seen it, I was coloring like a 1st grader."

Thursday, February 21, 2008

An old friend

A few days ago I made contact with a person I grew up with in Alaska. We met in 2nd grade and we are friends to this day. I moved away from Alaska in the 10th grade. Since that time I have only seen him two times. AG is forever imprinted upon my memories of childhood. AG was always a good friend to me. We were in cub scouts together. We played baseball together. We spent the night at each other's houses. We played football together. We rode bikes around the neighborhood together.

I also remember how he had an intellivision and he would always beat me at football. When I think of AG it brings forth very happy memories of my childhood. I will always appreciate my time in Alaska and I will forever remember AG.

Thanks for the great memories my friend. My door and phone and email are always open.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Individual achievements

How do you think someone can achieve the greatest personal achievements in their life? Going to school and getting a good education? Taking time to do things that will get you noticed by your boss or your friends?

Its amazing how many times I have reflected upon the core teachings of Jesus and realized that while on the surface there is much to be learned about the world and about yourself, that it is the deeper hidden ideas behind what it means to follow the teachings of Christ that really blow me away.

For instance, today I received a wonderful email from my boss and friend DJ. It was filled with glowing praise and appreciation for my work at my job. My first reaction was "what did I do to deserve such praise?" and "man I feel like I don't do anything compared to what others do within the company"

So I started to think about how I felt and then I remembered what it was like to work at my old job at a major university. The university environment is filled with people that are basically looking out for themselves. They preach that they are their to serve the students but ultimately they are looking out for themselves and trying to get everyone to notice them and what they are doing. Often times at the expense of others.

So I realized that it was different at this company first of all. Second I realized that this was exactly the kind of mind set that Jesus spoke about when he mentioned serving others and think of others before yourself.

I don't go to work everyday to try to get people to notice what I am doing. I am there to help everyone at my job succeed. I am there to help our customers succeed. If I get recognized because of that then so be it. But I get my satisfaction from seeing others do well and seeing my customers do well.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Making their own fun at Disney World

JCG and Mike and Sulley

JCG with the Monsters Incc guys!

What should you do if a stranger...

So there I was in Kmart in the toy section with my two kids. This is a usual activity in that B is off shopping and I am entertaining the kids in the toy section. I try to let them go to their favorite aisle to look at their favorite toys. The problem is that I try to watch them both at the same time.

This time JCG was around the corner just out of my eyesight and JHGIII was in his aisle. I called to JCG to have her poke her head out so that I could see it and make sure she was ok. She peered around the corner and said "Yes daddy I am ok."

I thought at that moment "I should have the talk with her about what she should do if someone tried to grab her and run off."

Me: JCG do you know what you should do if a stranger grabs you and tries to take you?

JCG: Tell them that I do not belong to them?

Me: No, you should yell MOMMY or DADDY or HELP.

JCG: ok

Me: And what should you do if they try to cover your mouth and keep you from screaming?

JCG: ?

Me: You should bite them.

JCG: Ok Daddy

Me (turning to JHGIII all proud after the previous conversation): JHGIII do you know what to do if a stranger walks up to you?

JHGIII: Bite them


Sunday, February 10, 2008

Lunch at Hollywood and Vine

JCG and Goliath from JoJo Circus.

Lunch at Hollywood and Vine

This is June from Little Einstein's.

First stop MGM/Disney's Hollywood Studios

Just inside the front gate on our first day.

JHGIII and the hula hoop

After we arrived at our hotel there were hula hoops on the ground outside the main entrance. So we took a hula break.


JCG waits exciited as we take her picture prior to boarding the plane to Disney World.

Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable

These were the first characters at Disney World.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Jack and the Power Rangers

This is a video I put together for my son after our trip to disney world.