Monday, February 11, 2008

What should you do if a stranger...

So there I was in Kmart in the toy section with my two kids. This is a usual activity in that B is off shopping and I am entertaining the kids in the toy section. I try to let them go to their favorite aisle to look at their favorite toys. The problem is that I try to watch them both at the same time.

This time JCG was around the corner just out of my eyesight and JHGIII was in his aisle. I called to JCG to have her poke her head out so that I could see it and make sure she was ok. She peered around the corner and said "Yes daddy I am ok."

I thought at that moment "I should have the talk with her about what she should do if someone tried to grab her and run off."

Me: JCG do you know what you should do if a stranger grabs you and tries to take you?

JCG: Tell them that I do not belong to them?

Me: No, you should yell MOMMY or DADDY or HELP.

JCG: ok

Me: And what should you do if they try to cover your mouth and keep you from screaming?

JCG: ?

Me: You should bite them.

JCG: Ok Daddy

Me (turning to JHGIII all proud after the previous conversation): JHGIII do you know what to do if a stranger walks up to you?

JHGIII: Bite them


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