Saturday, February 3, 2007

New Washer and Dryer

So our washer died on us and the dryer was probably not far behind it. So we made our obligatory trip to Sears (Darn right Sears) to purchase a new washer and dryer. But before we made the trip we decided to see what Consumer Reports had to say about the newest washers and dryers.

It turns out that since our last purchase of a washer and dryer they have come out with front loading washers. Have you seen these things? Have you seen what Consumer Reports says about them. Well if you haven't let me fill you in.

When you look at the evaluations of the traditional top loading washers you would be lucky to find any that receive a 5 out of 5 stars within any category. Yet when you look at the evaluations for front loading washers you would be lucky if any one washer has less than 2 categories that scored a perfect 5 out of 5.

What is the deal? Why are front loaders so much better? Well as we discovered, front loading washers hold more clothes, use less water, clean your clothes better, are more gentle on clothes, are quieter, use less energy and spin the clothes almost 2 times as fast as their top loading counter parts.

Front loading washers were to top loading washers as the electric washer was to the wash board. You can tell your kids that you were there when a new revolution occurred. So much so that when we were in Sears listening to the sales people give their song and dance about front loading washers we heard the most interesting story.

Apparently when one of the sales people installed a new front loading washer in his house, the city showed up after several months of considerably less water usage to investigate how he had tampered with the water meter (and he brought two police officers with him).

So we were very pleased to know that after a few months of using our new washer that we would be accused of stealing water. Oooo I can't wait to tell them about my new washer.

So we get the washer and dryer delivered and what do you think the first thing we did after they were connected? We put in a load of clothes and sat and watched the clothes go around and around. We were marvelling at the technological masterpiece that now sat in our laundry room.

After a few hours my wife overheard the kids in the laundry room..."Go CLOTHES...Go CLOTHES...I hope mine wins!"

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