Sunday, February 4, 2007

WHAT?!?! The Dyson isn't working?

I use my Dyson for all of our household "sucking" needs. I take it outside to vacuum the car out. I used it to vacuum cob webs from the ceiling in the basement. I also used it to vacuum the linoleum in the laundry room after I replaced the floor due to water rot.

My Dyson is like one of my good friends. During the time we have been together it has always been there for me. I always take the time to clean Dyson from stem to brushes. I use the air compressor to give Dyson a thorough cleaning.

So on this particular day, I thought it to be the same as the rest. I was sweeping the floor and trying to get all the debris from the floor before I laid down the glue and the linoleum on top of the glue in the laundry room. I pulled Dyson from its closet like any other time. I wished it a good day and started unwinding the cord.

I plugged Dyson into the closest outlet. I leaned over and pushed the large yellow on/off switch........nothing.......I thought to myself "I have to be dreaming because Dyson didn't turn on. Here let me try it again." I pushed the button....again...nothing. So then I thought "It must be the outlet. You know how you are always blowing breakers. Lets try another outlet." Again....nothing.

I began to panic. I knew this day would come but I never imagined it would be so soon. Dyson was so young and vibrant. How could a loving God take someone with so much life yet to live?

I looked around the corner into the kitchen where B was cleaning. I spoke her name in a quietly nervous tone. "What? What is it? What's wrong?" she said. "I don't want to alarm you but I think Dyson might be gone." I muttered.

"Oh No, not Dyson! What is wrong with him?" she exclaimed.

"I don't know. He just won't power on. I have tried multiple outlets and still nothing. Can you try it in one of those outlets in a different room? Maybe a circuit breaker is blown." I said. this point the house was filled with a moment of silence. Could Dyson really be gone? Was this the end of a generation in our household?

"Well, I wonder if we could get another one from EBay?" I said. "Wait, before we spend $500.00 on a new vacuum, lets call the 1-800 number at Dyson to see what they think" said B.

I thought to myself quietly, OK fine, but I hope we can't get it fixed because I sure would like one of those new models with all the bells and whistles. But I would never vocalize this because I would never want to offend Dyson. Plus we might still be using Dyson if we get it fixed.

"Ok, I will call Dyson." I said.

So we called Dyson the company as much for moral support as for advice on getting it repaired. For some reason I believed that everyone that called them was experiencing the fear and anxiety associated with losing a loved one.

They directed us to a repair store in Columbus. B took Dyson to the store and they charged her $20.00 just to look at Dyson. As it turns out, Dyson had a broken on/off switch that was replaced for no more than the cost of the estimate.

When we went to pick Dyson up from the store I felt very much like we were going to get our pet from the vet's office after surgery or to the hospital to pick up a family member.

Dyson is home now. He is happy and playing just as before. We are one big happy family again.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad your Dyson made it through. I can imagine how terrifying that moment must have been.

- Tammy (greatly missing her own Dyson back home)

Jon Gear said...

Tammy, thank you for your thoughtful and wise reply. Your relationship with your Dyson is a very personal thing. :)