Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Things to teach young adults...according to me!

So, one of the things I am trying to teach my niece is to act her age and to be more mature. She is an intelligent modern woman. The message today for all young adults is watch what you say and how you say it.

It is so easy to pick out a young person by the way they talk. For instance, their speech is littered with many instances of the word "like". (I am not saying that RP speaks with many "likes" in her speech)

"So I was like, NO WAY"

"I went to the store and the guy that worked there was like, "Can I help you?" and I was like "No thanks I am just looking around"

Employers want someone that will speak clearly and concisely to their customers. You are representing yourself and the company you are working for. The impression you give during your interview will speak very loudly as to how you will be received by the public. Having been on the hiring side of the table many times I can tell you that what you put on your resume is what will get you in the door. It will be your personality and how you handle yourself that will make the next biggest impression.

So like make sure you totally like talk like a grown up.


Catherine Banks said...

Whenever RB uses the word "like" in that fashion I ask her "Did you "like" say that...or did you actually say that?"

That's like totally my pet peeve.

Randy said...

I think most youngins know to turn it off. I was never a "like" kid myself, but I certainly had a different, much more crass dialog with my buddies in college than with a potential or current employer. I think we all have a comfortable, amongst our friends language that we very quickly learn is inappropriate in most professional settings.