Sunday, April 15, 2007

Do you know who is really good at...

I don't know if I have told you but my soon to be 21 year old niece from Oregon is visiting with us right now. She has been here almost a full month. We brought her here for two main reasons.

First, we are trying to sell our house and needed someone to come and help us with the kids and the cleaning.

Second, my niece, who I will refer to as RP, has been, shall we say, very carefully weighing her options before deciding what she wants to do with her life. So, I thought that perhaps bringing her here and exposing her to a different environment AND talking with her in general might kick start her into moving forward.


When the kids ask us if we can read them a book or watch a show with them or play a game with them...we now reply..."Do you know who is really good at reading books?" or "Do you know who really loves playing candyland?" or "Do you know who really likes watching Go Diego Go?"

Yup you guessed it....RP....that is not the funny part.

We have since ADDED activities to her list of specalities.

Do you know who is really good at painting the basement?
Do you know who is really good at cleaning out the car?
Do you know who is really good at reading you the same story 100 times in a row?
Do you know who is really good are cleaning the kids rooms?
Do you know who is really good at mowing the lawn?
Do you know who is really good at doing the grocery shopping?
Do you know who is really good at staining the deck?

That's right folks....if you have a need in the world....we have the person that can help you. You need your car sand blasted? No problem! You need your fence re-built? She is your girl!

Thanks for being such a valuable asset to our household.

Hey..... I wonder who is really good at making me a sandwich?

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