Sunday, April 22, 2007

What a saturday!!!

MAN.....what a Saturday.....

The day started out with having to take JCG to her soccer game. We were hoping that she could recapture the magic she showed during the first 5 minutes of the game last week. She was a terror. She busted through all the other girls and kicked two goals. You have to understand that last year she might have kicked the ball once or twice all year. Mainly she just chased around behind the pack of girls with the ball. But alas, she reverted back to last years habits. Nevertheless, I digress...

As soon as the game was over we got in the car to leave and the battery was dead. RATS....and me having left the jumper cables in the middle of the driveway from having to jump my car this morning so B could take it to work. SIDE NOTE: PLEASE, for all that is good and holy in this world, go and but some jumper cables and leave them in your car. They are cheap and will save you one day. Luckily there were a lot of people around and I borrowed someone's car to go and retrieve my cables. SIDE NOTE: The P family in our town that we are good friends with are good people. They didn't hesitate when I asked them to borrow their car.

Upon returning with the cables and popping the hood I realized that the battery lead had come loose. So I didn't need a jump. ARRRRGGGHHHH.

Upon returning home I dropped off JCG with RP and went to Home Depot to get some top soil and 20 bags of mulch. After loading 11 bags onto my flat cart I realized that they didn't have enough bags within my reach to fulfill my order. So we had to have an employee get a forklift and get another pallet down. After loading the car with my mulch and topsoil (and grass seed), I drove home.

The first thing I needed to do was dig up the dead plants next to the mailbox. That in and of itself wouldn't be such a big deal. The problem is what to do with the dirt. I realized that there were low spots on the corners of several of my neighbors yards so I start filling in holes with the dirt. This was extra physical labor I wasn't counting on.

After filling in the new holes next to the mailbox with dirt and grass seed, it was time to move the mulch to the flower beds. THAT WAS A WHOLE LOT OF FUN.

Then I needed a brake so I waived my neighbor over and we power washed his lawn mower.

Then I took a break.

Then I vacuumed out both cars and shampoo washed the Odyssey.

Then I cleaned up the whole front yard from all the various things I had gotten out to do my work.

Then I power washed the drive way and sidewalk.

That was my Saturday. I am tired.

Sunday I get to spread the mulch, build a cover for my sum-pump and put all the mats back into the cars. I am ready to go back to work on Monday.

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