Friday, June 22, 2007


It's not that I am asking you to leave money. It's not that I am asking you to give up your first born child. It is such a simple thing and many of you cannot seem to grasp the concept.

Far too many times I have entered a men's bathroom to find not one but multiple instances of people that have left their mark. The whole point to a toilet/urinal is so that people don't have to smell or see your precious gifts. Where were you born? Who raised you? At what point in your life did you think it was ok to NOT flush?

You would think that this phenomenon was limited to gross bathrooms in fast food restaurants or at a park. Oh no, let me say that there are people that wear suits and work in tall office buildings in a major metropolitan city that do not flush. FLUSH THE TOILET.

What is even more surprising is the amount of men that do not wash their hands after going to the restroom. Let's just set aside the fact that you just handled or touched an area of your body that only a few people would want to touch. Think about washing your hands because you don't want to get a cold from the last guy that came into the bathroom with germs on his hands.


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