Friday, June 29, 2007

My new addiction

I'd like to introduce you to Marcus Fenix. He is the main character in the Xbox 360 game called Gears of War. This is a game that has plenty of violence, swearing and shoot um up fun. I am not exactly sure about the over riding storyline behind the game. Basically you go around killing a bunch a gross looking monsters with a diverse set of weapons.

The two most notable weapons are the bow grenade launcher and the machine pictured above. The reason they are notable is because the bow grenade launcher sends out a laser beam to show you where you are aiming. When you fire, the grenade doesn't just explode on impact. Oh no, if it hits one of your enemies or you, it will insert itself into your body and THEN explodes.

The machine pictured above is special because in addition to the machine gun firing action it has a small chain saw on the front of it. Which means if you get in close to one of your enemies you can literally saw it in half. I mean body splitting in half blood splattering in your face gargled yelling of the victim and everything. It is quite a graphic site.

This game is not for kids of any age....except for the 38 year old kids.

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