Sunday, April 22, 2007

Global Warming....fact or fiction?

There are certain topics I readily admit I am ignorant about. Global warming is definitely one of those topics. To that end I would like to open a dialogue with anyone willing. A dialogue to help me understand the fact or fiction of the science.

So let me help kick start this discussion by explaining how my brain is processing the subject. Global warming is a belief that due to excessive amounts of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide the temperature of the planet is slowly but steadily increasing.

There are those that believe that this increase of the greenhouse gases is due in large part to the industrial revolution and the burning of fossil fuels.

The big question this true? Is the large scale consumption of fossil fuels causing unnatural warming to occur on the earth?

Here is what I have found on the Internet so far.

Marshall Think Tank

There are so many opinions and so many "experts" on the subject it is hard to determine what the truth actually is. I can say this for certain, I am strongly in favor of legislation that will lessen our dependency on fossil fuels. The burning of fossil fuels definitely contributes to the pollution in the air and it is unhealthy to breath in. Also, lessening our dependency on fossil fuels just might the world a completely different place.


Catherine Banks said...

I came across this article just now:

I remember when we were in Alaska a couple of years ago there was a brand new viewing place they had built for visitors to view Portage Glacier. The problem was that the glacier had receded so much that it was no longer viewable from there.

I also seem to remember someone mentioning that the glacier had receded that far in the past as well. I don't think there's any question that global warming is happening..the question is, has it happened before - is it due to just the natural progression of things..or is it because of us?

Jon Gear said...

exactly my point...some of the information I have read says that most of the warming in the last 100 years happened BEFORE the 1940's. Which means that the large consumption of fossil fuels can't be the large contributing factor of thiss warming trend.