Monday, April 30, 2007

Modern portrayal of women in movies

I went to see Grindhouse yesterday. I will set aside my disgust that movie prices are so high for now because that is not the point of this blog.

I have grown to be a fan of Quentin Tarentino movies. I especially loved the Kill Bill movies. What I really like about his directing style is how he portrays women as strong hero types. It is a largely growing trend to show women as strong not only mentally but also physically. I am not a feminist. I will not be marching in a parade that glorifies women's rights (that is not to say that I disagree with equal rights of women and men). The point here is that for too long movie directors have tried and miserably failed to put women in believable hero roles.

Mr. Tarentino has created a series of movies that actually make it OK for a guy to watch a movie that shows a woman in that kind of role. I thought the Beatrix Kiddo character was superbly acted and directed in the Kill Bill movies. Yes the movie was over the top with violence but that is not the point.

The point is to make me believe that a woman is capable of performing the types of activities being shown in the movie. Most movies fail where his movies succeed. I especially loved the end of Grindhouse where Kurt Russell's character was crying like a little baby while the three women were beating the dogsnot out of him. It was very amusing.

1 comment:

Randy said...

Yah, Kill Bill was the stuff. I am torn. It looks ridiculously violent and dark, which is not always the type of entertainment I enjoy. At the same time, I want to see it simply because I like Tarantino and Rodriguez and every collaboration they'e had to date has been great.