Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Burglary Next Door (Final Chapter)

As my neighbor crossed the street I expected him to be completely oblivious to the entire situation. He was probably asleep and was awoken by the big ruckus. Much to my dismay this was not the case.

Apparently he had called the police just prior to my calling them. So that explained the seemingly lightening fast response. We shared our experiences of the past 20 minutes. Just then an officer approached us to ask if we were the witnesses to the crime. The officer explained that this seemed like this was going to be a "good bust."

So we went inside with the officer and started to recount the events of the evening. After a few minutes the officer got up and went outside. After a few more minutes we looked out the window to see them leading the "perp" (without his handcuffs) back into the house.

We went outside to find out if he had gotten off on a technicality. The officer explained to us that the "perp" was a friend of the neighbors. Apparently they were out of town and he was locked out of the house. Because of the dogs being in the house he called the home owners and asked them what he should do. They told him to go ahead and break out a window because they were going to be out of town for several more days.

So in the end we were able to illustrate to our neighbors that we watched over their house while they were not around. We also have lasting humorous memories in that we imagined this poor guy bending over the dog bowls saying "here you go fefe here is more foo" when a police officer burst through the door (after kicking open) "GET ON THE GROUND."

Jerry Springer says...

I can understand having to break out a window because you were locked out. Try to put a little more thought into the method by which you do it. Don't wait until late on a Friday night and certainly don't wear black clothes and a black stocking cap while you were doing it.


Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that the "grateful" homeowners had to wait several weeks to have a working front door thanks to our heroic measures and the quick kicking action of our local crime fighters.

BTW, I played a much larger role in this memorable evening than you shared here.

Catherine Banks said...

one other comment...if you're going to be knocking out someone's window..might it be prudent to knock on a couple of neighbor doors and explain what you're about to do?

Zany Mama said...

Well, I for one am wholly appreciative of your actions - call the 5-0 first and ask questions later.

Let the fuzz sort out the criminals from the innocent dog-sitters.

You, sir, deserve a medal.