Friday, December 29, 2006

What I want my children to know: No one has it figured out

I am starting a series of posts that will deal with topics that I want to tell my kids about if for some reason I am not around when they get old enough to be able to comprehend it. I got the idea from the movie "My Life" with Michael Keaton. Basically he is diagnosed with a terminal illness and because he has small children he wants to tape a series of video recordings to be able to speak to them when they get older.

Topic #1: No one really has it all figured out

Everyone has stress, everyone worries and everyone has anxiety. What I have discovered is that everyone else worries just as much as I do. Granted it is probably about different specific things. The point being that while you may look up to someone because they are confident or because they seem to have it all together, they may secretly be screaming at the top of their lungs for someone to rescue them.

Some people are really good at managing their worries and turning them in to motivation. Some people just barely keep it together day in and day out. Some people let the internal pressure become too intense and they explode.

Just know that it is natural and that everyone is dealing with it just like you. Just try to be happy. Life is too short to spend it worrying all the time.

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