Wednesday, December 6, 2006

The genius mind of my four year old...

Every parent believes their children are brillent. That is the way God intented for parents to view their children. We won't get into philosophies of parenting and what mindset all parents should have in order to be really great parents or more importantly to get the most out of parenthood.

The topic of this post is how my beautiful, funny and vivacious four year old little girl is learning and growing faster than I admit (or would like to admit).

There are those occasions that illustrate to you just how quickly your children are growing up. Yesterday held one such occasion for B (my wife) and I. It happened at the local Barnes & Noble bookstore. They were already in town and I met them there after work. I needed to pick up a new book for work (yet another topic that we will tackle at a later date).

After eating we went across the parking lot to BNN. Going to BNN is an interesting experience in and of itself. Upon entering the store the kids JCG (the four year old girl) and JHG3 (the two year boy) make a beeline for the children's book section. I am proud to say that both the kids LOVE books. They inherited this from their mother because I only recently began reading books for personal growth and enjoyment.

BNN is like a library of sorts in that when people are around a large collection of books they feel as if they are unable to speak in a normal tone of voice (Shhhhhhhh). So when the kids hit the children's book section there is a constant barrage of "you kids quiet down" and "not so loud." Meanwhile they have climbed up on the small stage that I am sure is used at different times to read books to children. JCG decides that she is the teacher and that everyone should pay attention to the teacher. But that's not the part I am talking about.

Towards the end of our visit B and JHG3 have gone to change his diaper. JCG is with me over by the audio books just before heading to the check out line. She is begging and pleading with me to let her go look at more books. I tell her that we are very close to leaving and that there isn't time. Mainly I am distracted by looking for what I am looking for. She then procedes to take her hand and place it below my jaw. She then starts to move my jaw as if she is a ventriloquist and says "Yes honey, it is ok if you go and look at more books."

With that she takes off running to the children's book section. I can't run after her because I am on the ground laughing at what just happened.

Another Jerry Springer closing...

If you are going to disobey me, do it in a creative way.

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