Monday, April 30, 2007

Stepping back to gain perspective...

It's amazing how even the littlest time away from your everyday routine will help you gain perspective. I play softball now two times a week. The field that I play on is about 25 minutes from my house. I am so thankful for the time I spend in the car driving with just me and my thoughts. I can listen to the radio for music or talk radio or I can just listen to the wind rushing by the car.

Sometimes I think about the day I had at work. Sometimes I think about my relationship with God. Sometimes I think about my marriage. Sometimes I think about my kids. Sometimes I just listen to what is on the radio and let the thoughts flow freely to where ever they might take me.

The point being that I am able to spend just a little time outside of my daily routine. Just enough to let me think about things with a fresh perspective.

This particular night I listened to sermons on a local christian radio station. It was very uplifting to hear someone talk about God and Jesus. It made me rethink a stance I have about whether or not those that do not accept Jesus as the Son of God will go to heaven. It made me think about the methodology I have been taking with my niece in order to get her life going. It made me think about how to handle difficult situations at work differently.

Have you taken a little time lately to just sit and think about your life from outside your daily routine?

1 comment:

Randy said...

I know what you mean. As much as I hated the commute I had before, it turns out it provided a lot of time to cool off from the work day, reflect on the state of life, work, and the world. I don't miss the commute at all, but I've had to find new ways to get centered and be reflective. You'll notice I've been doing a lot of hiking lately. I've also spent a bit more time writing and thinking. We all have to find our way of staying centered.