Saturday, December 9, 2006

Blogging....An amazing way to waste time

I don't know what it is. It is Saturday morning, B is working until 2:00 PM, the kids are fed and doing things on their own, I have a TON of work work I could be doing, I have a ton of house work I could be doing. But what am I doing? I am importing more music and audio books into my new 80 GB IPod (thank you very much to the owners of the company I work for) and blogging.

I am not that funny. I am not that witty. Almost no one reads what I am writing. So what is it? Why am I compelled to spend time writing about things in my life that no one but me really cares about?

The truth is, I have no idea as to why the concept of blogging is so appealling to me. I guess I feel like my perspective is worth sharing. I guess I am waiting for an idea or concept to fully develop in my brain that I will be able to post that will change the lives of the masses. Meanwhile I am "practicing" by writing about other things.

I know B is going to read this and say "BORING" and "Why weren't you cleaning? Don't you realize we will be packing soon to head home for Christmas?"

By the way, other than my lovely wife I want to send a special thank you to Zany Mama and SRH for being my first official commenter.


SRH said...

No problemo. My pleasure

Catherine Banks said...

I can't let that gauntlet lay unanswered.

Consider yourself commented.